UNDER DEVELOPMENT_LTC Infection Preventionist FUNdamentals Course
Provided by Certified Infection Preventionists with National Training Experience for LTC Infection Control
Watch PromoA comprehensive foundational course in healthcare infection prevention and control for the LTC IP.
This basic fundamentals course is designed for the new Infection Preventionist in the Long Term Care setting as well as those IPs who are experienced but desire a review or are in need of documented specialized IC training for CMS. Each module takes a fun and easy approach to covering all of the basics needed to have a solid understanding of the role of the IP in the Long Term Care setting and the elements needed for a sound Infection Control program. Upon completion of the training and post course test a certificate of completion is awarded.
Your Instructor
Debbie Hurst is an RN with 38 years of nursing experience working across the spectrum of healthcare settings. She has been board certified in Infection Control (CIC) since 1998. As the owner of "Hands-On" IC Consultative Services, LLC she works as an independent healthcare consultant, specializing in a variety of activities including helping others develop their infection control healthcare training programs. She also has expertise in Infection Prevention and Control program assessment and development and survey readiness activities. Debbie is certified as a healthcare environmental service professional (CHESP) through the American Hospital Association. She has worked extensively across the country with environmental services programs (EVS) in developing "EVS Programs of IC Excellence for Environmental Services" for healthcare settings. Her extensive experience and expertise in healthcare infection control along with Environmental Services and her desire to share best practices and lessons learned with others has led her to be a sought after consultant and speaker on a variety of related topics. Additionally, she has nearly 30 years of experience serving as an infection control subject matter expert (SME) for various healthcare industry partners in which she has provided project consultations, intermittent as well as on-going mentoring and review of national level support of their sales, marketing and research and development team needs.
Website: www.funinfectioncontrol.com
Course Curriculum
StartWatch video: "Getting Started" from your LTC Course Instructor (1:59)
StartReview these helpful Quick Reference Documents
StartWatch video: "What you need to know about Infection Control" (7:02)
StartQuiz: Getting Started Introductory Section
StartNew Lecture
StartWatch video: "Healthcare Associated Infections in the United States"
StartWatch video: "Infection Preventionists Save Lives"
StartRead the document: APIC Professional and Practice Standards
StartComplete handout, check your answers and take Quiz: APIC Professional and Practice Standards
StartReview Handout : "About IC Programs in Long Term Care
StartWatch video: "Highlights of Healthcare IC History" (10:34)
StartKey Points for Module 1: Foundations
StartREFERENCES for Module 1
StartQUIZ: Module 1
StartWatch video: Standard and Transmission Based Precautions for Healthcare (10:34)
StartBob's Story - short video on how infectious diseases spread in healthcare (4:24)
StartMicrobiology Simple Basics for Infection Preventionists (2:24)
StartGram Positive and Gram Negative in 9 easy minutes!
StartChain of IC
StartManaging Influenza Outbreaks in the LTC Setting
StartC. difficile animated video training
Start**OPTIONAL** Video Lecture on "Basics of Bacteria Morphology"
StartMechanisms and Classifications of antibiotics (Advance study) OPTIONAL