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We are excited that you have subscribed to the Infection Control Training Center's monthly Long Term Care IP section! You have full access to the following modules that are now part of your subscription bundle: Instructor's Kits for Hand Hygiene, Bloodborne Pathogens, Standard and Transmission Based Precautions and Environmental Cleaning in Healthcare. These modules all have instructor's workbooks that contain teaching and training material for your use. Feel free to download and copy and distribute this written information as you need. The videos are able to be viewed (but not downloaded) and shown in a classroom setting by signing into your account at the "Hands On" Training Center School and then sharing as you would other web based videos.

More videos and associated training materials are coming over the next several weeks as production is completed. These include: Bed Bugs, C. difficile, Environmental Service Staff IC Training, Food and Nutrition IC Training, Laundry and Linen Management, Norovirus Prevention and Control in Healthcare, and more!

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